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Create Group

Click on "Groups" on the right of your profile. There you can create a new group.

Select the tab "Create Group", enter the group name and click on "Add". You are automatically the leader of the new group.

Create New Group Idea

Go to the overview page of the group and click on the button "Create New Group Idea".

Fill out everything and click on "Add Group Idea". The idea is assigned to the group and for now only visible to members of the group.

Publish Group Idea

Click on "Ideas" on the right of the overview page of the group. A list of all ideas of the group appears.

Now you can publish an idea with a click on "Publish". Published ideas of a group can be read by other authors but not continued.

Release Group Idea

Click on "Ideas" on the right of the overview page of the group. A list of all ideas of the group appears.

Now you can release an already published idea with a click on "Release". Then the group idea will be removed from the group and appear as a regular idea on Splitstory. Now the idea can the continued by all authors.

Add Members to a Group

Click on "Members" on the right of the overview page of the group. A list of all members of the group appears.

Select the tab "Add Members", enter the names of the authors and click on "Add".

Splitstory - follow your thoughts!