The story of emu Ed and Minsk mosquito

The perfect match? Obviously not, but give it a second thought. Don't opposites attract? A story that could go anywhere but straight. Even more because first Ed and Minsk have to get out of the huge labyrinth made of light and lustres. Both are heading to the one aim in life.


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+1 Activity: 0%, Views: 4218, Language: English, 179 months ago


Shining Labyrinth

It's not that this place is that weired, chaotic and difficult to get out, but that its such a fascinating and affecting site that you want to get out of it as much as you want to stay.


Ed the Emu

He is quite a bipolar person. On the one hand he rushes forward into every possible adventure, on the other hand he loses hope pretty fast, does not end what he started and feels as life is in vain.

Minsk the Mosquito

Minsk is a egoistic but funny person. He does not care much about his appearence, and always expresses all his thoughts very precisely and in a direct way.



The two have shared quite a bit of their lifetime, but now it's time to part, as the two decide differently on their future. They will never see each other again.