Oneiric weeds

Oneiric Weeds is proud to offer Dream-Destinations (DD), the only dream product sold in the world on a pure sustainable basis. Being invited into other people’s dreams comes with a price of casting shadows or throwing light on the events missed during the happy waking hours, as well as some dark moments of history. Upon successful registration, users get a Username along with their chosen password to find matches. This is an online utility and does not require intervention from a dream administrator. Searches can be made using the default criteria or new profiles. Changing profiles, such as increasing distance, in space and/or time, helps increase chances of finding a match. Once suitable matches are found, the participants


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0 Activity: 0%, Views: 3975, Language: English, 158 months ago


Boca Raton

I’m not the only one.
Carl: The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night.
Emptyforce: my dreams are always about war and fighting, i never seem to learn anything from my dreams. Just kind of go to sleep expecting a battle.
Zigmund: Every dream reveals itself as a psychical structure which has a meaning and which can be inserted at an assignable point in the


participants will work out finer arrangements such as pick up /drop off points. Dreams create safety


Leonard Cohen

Deleuzional: dude, with you facepalms don’t cut it. :p you’re an atheist.
Scheherezade: Last night I had a dream. I am five or six, I wake up to an intense beam of light in my window. I decide that it is a street light, though there are trees all around the house and no street lights anywhere. I turn over and go back to sleep. At 4:39 am, I wake up, the light is still there, I hear voices: laughing

Vicky Reuter

Discussion Board: going into someone else’s dream
Lucid: As a lucid dreamer, I am able to enter the dreams of others or let others enter mine. I could not deliver scientific proof for that phenomenon. So what?
T(h)inker : Slip into somebody else’s dream and watch the world of a different colour.
Eugene: Perhaps, that’s what life is, a dream and a fear.
John: You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Carl: The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night.
Emptyforce: my dreams are always about



Discussion Board: going into someone else’s dream
Lucid: As a lucid dreamer, I am able to enter the dreams of others or let others enter mine. I could not deliver scientific proof for that phenomenon. So what?
T(h)inker : Slip into somebody else’s dream and watch the world of a different colour.
Eugene: Perhaps, that’s what life is, a dream and a fear.
John: You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Carl: The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night.
Emptyforce: my dreams are always about


Discussion Board: going into someone else’s dream
Lucid: As a lucid dreamer, I am able to enter the dreams of others or let others enter mine. I could not deliver scientific proof for that phenomenon. So what?
T(h)inker : Slip into somebody else’s dream and watch the world of a different colour.
Eugene: Perhaps, that’s what life is, a dream and a fear.
John: You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Carl: The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night.
Emptyforce: my dreams are always about