Not dissatisfied with the situation, curious and a little excited about his uncertain future, he turned away from his corpse…
Continuations: 1, Idea: The dead man’s flight test
Activity: 2%
Views: 1705
Chars: 949
169 months ago0 -
His mind was clearer than it had been for a long time and he was aware of an incredible lightness. He felt really good. The…
Continuations: 1, Idea: The dead man’s flight test
Activity: 0%
Views: 1705
Chars: 287
169 months ago0 -
Activity: 1%
Views: 1657
Chars: 13
167 months ago0 -
By now he had gotten the hang of it and could follow her. Linda pressed on the button desperately and the elevator opened…
Continuations: 1, Idea: The dead man’s flight test
Activity: 1%
Views: 1655
Chars: 786
169 months ago0 -
Ständig gehen leckere Frauen an mir vorbei und keine kommt auf die Idee, sich neben mich zu setzen. Dabei könnten wir dann…
Continuations: 1, Idea: Ach Hannes
Activity: 1%
Views: 1645
Chars: 530
167 months ago0 -
Felix realized with amazement that he was moving toward the ceiling. He nervously paddled with his arms and legs; his centre…
Continuations: 1, Idea: The dead man’s flight test
Activity: 1%
Views: 1640
Chars: 530
169 months ago0 -
Stuttgart/Hollywood, 10.Nov. 2010 Nicht kleckern, sondern klotzen! Roland Emmerich, bekannt durch Katastrophenfilme wie "The…
Continuations: 0, Idea: Quatsch-Journal
Activity: 0%
Views: 1619
Chars: 1021
169 months ago+3 -
Er bekam allmählich den Dreh raus und konnte ihr gut folgen. Nervös drückte Linda den Fahrstuhlknopf und der Fahrstuhl öffnete…
Continuations: 1, Idea: Flugversuche eines Toten
Activity: 1%
Views: 1614
Chars: 592
174 months ago0 -
Er ließ sofort los und schwebte wieder nach oben. Aus größerer Distanz konnte er sie immer noch rennen sehen. Dann drehte…
Continuations: 2, Idea: Flugversuche eines Toten
Activity: 1%
Views: 1577
Chars: 327
174 months ago0 -
He let go immediately and resumed his upward floating. Even from a great distance he could see she was still running. He…
Continuations: 1, Idea: The dead man’s flight test
Activity: 0%
Views: 1525
Chars: 170
169 months ago0